Architectural concepts
Kisho Kurokawa:
In the following axonometrics, I have used the
following ideas for inspiration: dynamic architecture; symbiosis and abstract
symbolism. Dynamic architecture explores how architecture can be flexible,
interchangeable, reversible and extendible based on the functions or
requirements of a space (seen specifically through the Nakagin Capsule Tower).
Symbiosis explores the relationship between the inside and outside of a
building. Kurokawa considers how one can directly influence the other and how
to transfer elements between them. Kurokawa also explores the idea of abstract
symbolism and how specific shapes have specific universal meaning, which does
not stem from belief.
Steven Holl:
In the following axonometrics, I have used
the following ideas of Steven Holl’s to base them off: phenomenology, porosity
and hinged spaces. Phenomenology explores how the experience of walking through
architecture changes as you move through it. That is, every part of a space has
a different experience depending on where you stand. As the observer pass
through a room, the architecture reveals itself to them. Porosity is explored
by Steven Holl, as a way of breaking down a solid mass. Especially light and
movement illustrate the idea of porosity. Hinged spaces explore how a space can
be flexible based on function (similar to metabolist idea of dynamic
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